CEO stands for “Chief Executive Officer” in English, which translates to “मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी” (Mukhya Karyakari Adhikari) in Hindi. A CEO is the highest-ranking executive or leader of a company, organization, or corporation. The CEO is responsible for making major corporate decisions, managing overall operations, and developing and implementing strategies to achieve the company’s goals.
Synonyms(समानार्थक) of “CEO”
English |
Hindi |
President |
राष्ट्रपति |
Managing Director |
प्रबंध निदेशक |
Executive Director |
कार्यकारी निदेशक |
Director General |
महानिदेशक |
Chairperson |
अध्यक्ष |
Antonyms(विलोम) of “CEO”
English |
Hindi |
Employee |
कर्मचारी |
Worker |
श्रमिक |
Staff |
स्टाफ |
Team Member |
टीम सदस्य |
Intern |
इंटर्न |
Examples of “CEO” in a sentence in English and Its Meaning in Hindi:
- The CEO of the company announced a new product launch. (कंपनी के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी ने एक नई उत्पाद के लॉन्च की घोषणा की।)
- The board of directors appointed a new CEO after the retirement of the previous one. (पूर्व वाले के सेवानिवृत्ति के बाद निदेशक मंडल ने एक नये मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी को नियुक्त किया।)
- The CEO is responsible for the overall direction and performance of the company. (मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी कंपनी के कुल दिशा-निर्देश और प्रदर्शन के लिए जिम्मेदार होता है।)
- The CEO gave a keynote speech at the industry conference. (मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी ने उद्योग सम्मेलन में एक मुख्य भाषण दिया।)
- The company’s success can be attributed to the CEO’s strategic vision. (कंपनी की सफलता मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी के रणनीतिक दृष्टिकोण का श्रेय दी जाती है।)