Old School: Meaning in Hindi & English
The idiom “Old School” refers to something that is traditional, classic or old-fashioned. It can refer to a longstanding method, belief, or any aspect of culture that is considered traditional or from an earlier era.
मुहावरा “Old School” किसी ऐसी चीज़ को दर्शाता है जो पारंपरिक, विशिष्ट या पुरानी होती है। यह किसी पुरानी विधि, विश्वास या किसी कला की एक पहलू से जुड़ी हो सकती है जो परंपरागत या पहले के काल से संबंधित होती है।
What is “Old School”?
“Old School” refers to something that is traditional, classic, or old-fashioned. It can refer to a longstanding method, belief, or any aspect of culture that is considered traditional or from an earlier era. Old school is a respect for the past, valuing the time-tested practices and teachings of previous generations.
Old school people are known for their adherence to traditional values and their preference for classic styles, methods or ideas. They may look back to a perceived “golden age” when things were simpler, more genuine or distinguished.
People may use the term “Old School” to praise or criticize something, depending on their perspective on tradition and change.
Usage of “Old School”?
The term “Old School” can be used in different contexts. It can describe a person, a thing, a place or even an idea. For instance, a “Old School” basketball coach may teach his players basketball techniques and fundamentals the same way his coach taught him decades ago. An “Old School” fashion can refer to clothing that was popular in a previous era.
Similarly, an “Old School” mentality can refer to ideas or beliefs that are deemed traditional or outdated.
Examples of “Old School” in a sentence in English and Its meaning in Hindi:
- “My dad is an old school guy who still believes in shaking hands when he meets someone for the first time.” (मेरे पिताजी एक पुराने स्कूल के इंसान हैं जो आज भी किसी से पहली बार मिलते समय हाथ मिलाने में यक़ीन करते हैं।)
- “I prefer using an old school fountain pen, even though I own several modern writing tablets.”(मैं कुछ मोड़ने लिखने की गज़ेट हैं, फिर भी मुझे एक पुराने स्कूल का पानी से भरा हुआ कलम ज्यादा बेहतर लगता है।)
- “I am old school and think that personal communication is more effective than a text message.”(मैं पुराने स्कूल के हूँ और मानता हूँ कि वास्तविक मुलाकात से टेक्स्ट मैसेज से अधिक प्रभावी होता है।)
- “Her music taste is so old-school; she only listens to classic rock from the 70s.”(उसकी संगीत की पसंद बहुत पुरानी ट्रेंड है; वो केवल 70 के क्लासिक रॉक सुनती है।)
Translating “Old School” into Hindi
In Hindi, the phrase “Old School” may be translated as “पुराने झमाणे का” (Purane Jhamane Ka), “पारंपरिक” (Paramparik), or “विशिष्ट” (Vishisht). These words all carry the same meaning of something traditional or classic, and are often used interchangeably depending on the context.
हिंदी में, “Old School” का अर्थ “पुराने झमाणे का”, “पारंपरिक” या “विशिष्ट” हो सकता है। ये सभी शब्दों का एक ही अर्थ होता है जो कुछ पारंपरिक या विशिष्ट को दर्शाता है और आमतौर पर संदर्भ के अनुसार एक-दूसरे के स्थान पर प्रयोग किए जाते हैं।