Get The Wrong End Of The Stick: Meaning in Hindi & English
The idiom “get the wrong end of the stick” means to misunderstand a situation or conversation, usually by mistaking one thing for another, or by misinterpreting someone’s words or actions. It implies that someone has made a mistake or jumped to a false conclusion based on faulty reasoning or incomplete information.
मुहावरा “get the wrong end of the stick” का अर्थ होता है कि किसी स्थिति या बातचीत को गलत समझना, आमतौर पर किसी चीज़ को दूसरी चीज़ से गलतफहमी करना, या किसी व्यक्ति के शब्दों या कार्यों को गलत तरीके से समझना। इससे संबंधित होता है कि कोई गलती करता है या अन्यायपूर्ण नतीजों पर आधारित कारणों के कारण एक गलत निष्कर्ष निकलता है।
What is “get the wrong end of the stick”?
“Get the wrong end of the stick” is a phrase used to describe a situation where a person misunderstands what is being said or done. It often involves confusion or misinterpretation that results from not having all the necessary information or facts.
Usage of “get the wrong end of the stick”?
“Get the wrong end of the stick” can be used in any situation where someone has misunderstood what was being said or done. It often arises from poor communication, unclear explanations, or a lack of context. This can lead to confusion, frustration, or even conflict if the misunderstanding is not cleared up.
Examples of “get the wrong end of the stick” in a sentence in English and Its meaning in Hindi:
- “I think Sarah got the wrong end of the stick – she thinks we’re meeting at 2 pm instead of 3 pm.” (मुझे लगता है कि सारा गलतफहमी कर रही है – वह सोचती है कि हम 3 बजे के बजाय 2 बजे मिल रहे हैं।)
- “He got the wrong end of the stick about what I meant with my comment and ended up feeling offended.” (उसने मेरी टिप्पणी के मतलब को गलत समझ लिया था और अपने खिलाफ अपमान महसूस करने लगा।)
- “I don’t want you to get the wrong end of the stick, so let me explain it again.” (मैं नहीं चाहता कि आप गलत समझें, इसलिए मुझे जोर-जोर से फिर से समझाने दें।)
- “My boss got the wrong end of the stick and thought I wasn’t interested in the project, but I was just waiting for more information.” (मेरे बॉस को गलतफहमी हुई थी और उसे लगता था कि मुझे परियोजना में दिलचस्पी नहीं थी, लेकिन मैं और जानकारी प्राप्त करने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था।)
- “She got the wrong end of the stick when she thought I was blaming her for the mistake.” (उसने गलत समझ लिया था जब वह सोचती थी कि मैं उसे गलती के लिए दोष दे रहा था।)
How to avoid “getting the wrong end of the stick”?
To avoid getting the wrong end of the stick, it’s important to communicate clearly and ask questions if something isn’t clear. It’s also helpful to listen closely and try to understand the context of the conversation or situation. It’s better to ask for clarification than to assume or make assumptions.
Translating “get the wrong end of the stick” into Hindi
In Hindi, “get the wrong end of the stick” can be roughly translated as “गलत तरीके से समझना” (galat tareeke se samajhna).
हिंदी में, “get the wrong end of the stick” को लगभग “गलत तरीके से समझना” के रूप में अनुवादित किया जा सकता है।