50 Yoghurt Names in English and Hindi
Yogurt is a popular dairy product that has been consumed for thousands of years. This creamy and delicious food is made by fermenting milk with live bacteria, which not only gives it a tangy, slightly sour taste but also provides it with numerous health benefits. Yogurt is a versatile food that can be eaten on its own, used in cooking or baking, and can be found in a wide variety of flavors and types, including Greek-style, low-fat, and non-dairy options.
50 Yoghurt Names in English and Hindi
SN | Image | Name in English | Name in Hindi |
1 | Greek Yogurt | ग्रीक दही | |
2 | Vanilla Yogurt | वैनिला दही | |
3 | Strawberry Yogurt | स्ट्रॉबेरी दही | |
4 | Blueberry Yogurt | ब्लूबेरी दही | |
5 | Raspberry Yogurt | रास्पबेरी दही | |
6 | Mango Yogurt | आम दही | |
7 | Peach Yogurt | पीच दही | |
8 | Pineapple Yogurt | अनानास दही | |
9 | Banana Yogurt | केला दही | |
10 | Mixed Berry Yogurt | मिक्स्ड बेरी दही | |
11 | Plain Yogurt | साधा दही | |
12 | Low-fat Yogurt | कम वसा वाली दही | |
13 | Non-fat Yogurt | बिना वसा वाली दही | |
14 | Probiotic Yogurt | प्रोबायोटिक दही | |
15 | Organic Yogurt | ऑर्गेनिक दही | |
16 | Almond Yogurt | बादाम दही | |
17 | Cashew Yogurt | काजू दही | |
18 | Coconut Yogurt | नारियल दही | |
19 | Soy Yogurt | सोया दही | |
20 | Oat Yogurt | ओट दही | |
21 | Flavored Yogurt | फ्लेवर्ड दही | |
22 | Cinnamon Yogurt | दालचीनी दही | |
23 | Chocolate Yogurt | चॉकलेट दही | |
24 | Honey Yogurt | शहद दही | |
25 | Apple Yogurt | सेब दही | |
26 | Fig Yogurt | अंजीर दही | |
27 | Carrot Yogurt | गाजर दही | |
28 | Beetroot Yogurt | चुकंदर दही | |
29 | Ginger Yogurt | अदरक दही | |
30 | Cardamom Yogurt | इलायची दही | |
31 | Cherry Yogurt | चेरी दही | |
32 | Pomegranate Yogurt | अनार दही | |
33 | Kiwi Yogurt | कीवी दही | |
34 | Blackberry Yogurt | ब्लैकबेरी दही | |
35 | Tangerine Yogurt | संतरा दही | |
36 | Lemon Yogurt | नींबू दही | |
37 | Lime Yogurt | लाइम दही | |
38 | Guava Yogurt | अमरूद दही | |
39 | Passion Fruit Yogurt | पैशन फ्रूट दही | |
40 | Apricot Yogurt | खुबानी दही | |
41 | Cranberry Yogurt | क्रैनबेरी दही | |
42 | Gooseberry Yogurt | आंवला दही | |
43 | Papaya Yogurt | पपीता दही | |
44 | Watermelon Yogurt | तरबूज दही | |
45 | Avocado Yogurt | एवोकाडो दही | |
46 | Cucumber Yogurt | खीरा दही | |
47 | Radish Yogurt | मूली दही | |
48 | Tomato Yogurt | टमाटर दही | |
49 | Spinach Yogurt | पालक दही | |
50 | Basil Yogurt | तुलसी दही |
Also Learn: 101 Fruits Name in English and Hindi
Yogurt is a nutritious and delicious food that has been enjoyed for centuries. With its many health benefits and versatility, it is no wonder that yogurt has become a staple in many people’s diets. Whether you prefer it plain or flavored, regular or Greek-style, low-fat or full-fat, there is a yogurt out there that is perfect for you. So next time you are looking for a tasty and healthy snack, reach for a container of yogurt and enjoy all that this amazing food has to offer.