file off the serial numbers: MEANING IN HINDI & ENGLISH
अंग्रेजी में “file off the serial numbers” एक उपयुक्त उद्धरण है जो किसी वस्तु या उत्पाद के श्रृंखला संख्याओं को निकालने के बारे में बताता है। इस अभिव्यक्ति का अर्थ होता है कि कोई व्यक्ति किसी चीज से उसके पहचान लेबलों या संख्याओं को मिटाता है ताकि वह चीज अनजान दिखे और पहचान नहीं लगाई जा सके।
The phrase “file off the serial numbers” is a useful example that describes removing sequence numbers of an object or product. The expression means that someone removes the identification labels or numbers from something so that it appears unknown and cannot be identified.
What does “file off the serial numbers” mean?
The phrase “file off the serial numbers” means to remove any identifying marks or labels that indicate the origin, ownership or sequence number of an object or product. It suggests an attempt to hide the identity of something or make it appear untraceable.
Usage of “file off the serial numbers”
The phrase “file off the serial numbers” is commonly used in a negative context such as describing a criminal activity or an attempt to cover up illegal or unethical behavior. It is also used in a humorous or facetious way to suggest someone is trying to disguise something, for example in the context of a prank or practical joke.
Examples of “file off the serial numbers” in a sentence in English and Its meaning in Hindi:
- “The thief filed off the serial numbers on the stolen gun.” (चोर ने चोरी हुई बंदूक पर संक्रमण संख्याएं हटा दीं।)
- “He filed off the serial numbers on his bike so that nobody could identify it.” (उसने अपनी बाइक पर संक्रमण संख्याएं हटा दीं ताकि कोई उसे पहचान नहीं पाएगा।)
- “I think someone filed off the serial numbers on this old watch before selling it to me.” (मुझे लगता है कि इस पुरानी घड़ी को मेरे पास बेचने से पहले किसी ने संक्रमण संख्याओं को हटा दिया।)
How to Respond to “file off the serial numbers”?
If someone mentions “filing off the serial numbers” in a conversation, it may indicate an illegal or unethical activity. It may be appropriate to ask for more information or context about the specific situation or express concern about potential wrongdoing. Alternatively, if it is clear that the person is joking or speaking in jest, it may be appropriate to respond with humor or playfulness.
Translating “file off the serial numbers” into Hindi
The direct translation of “file off the serial numbers” in Hindi would be सीरियल नंबरों (serial numbers) का फाइल (file) कर देना (remove). However, the phrase is not commonly used in Hindi and a more appropriate phrase to describe this action would be “पहचान निकाल देना” (Pahchaan nikal dena) which means “to remove identification.”
“File off the serial numbers” का सीधा अनुवाद हिंदी में सीरियल नंबरों (serial numbers) का फाइल (file) कर देना (remove) होगा। हालांकि, यह वाक्य हिंदी में आमतौर पर इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जाता है और इस कार्रवाई को वर्णन करने के लिए एक और वाक्य है “पहचान निकाल देना” (Pahchaan nikal dena) जो “इडेंटिफिकेशन (identification) निकाल देना” का अर्थ करता है।