Divide And Conquer Or Rule: Meaning in Hindi & English

The idiom “Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule” means to weaken or defeat an opponent by causing them to become divided among themselves. This strategy involves breaking up larger groups into smaller, more manageable units that are easier to control or defeat.

“Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule” has been used as a strategy in politics, warfare, and business throughout history. By pitting groups against each other, a powerful entity can control or manipulate weaker factions for their own benefit.

The Hindi translation of the idiom “Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule” is “विभाजित करके शासन करना” (Vibhajit Karke Shasan Karna).

What Does “Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule” Mean?

“Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule” is a common idiom that refers to the strategy of breaking up larger groups into smaller, more manageable units that are easier to control or defeat. By dividing a larger group into smaller factions, a more powerful entity can pit the factions against each other to weaken or defeat them. This strategy has been used throughout history in politics, warfare, and business.

Usage of “Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule”

The “Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule” strategy has been used in various contexts, including politics, warfare, and business. In politics, it can involve setting different groups against each other to gain political advantage. In warfare, it can involve attacking an enemy’s alliances to weaken their power. In business, it can involve breaking up a company into smaller units to make it easier to control and manipulate.

Examples of “Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule”

  1. “The politician used the ‘Divide and Conquer’ strategy to win the election by pitting different groups against each other.”
  2. “The army employed the ‘Divide and Rule’ tactic to weaken the enemy’s alliances and gain an advantage in battle.”
  3. “The business owner used the ‘Divide and Conquer’ approach to break up the company into smaller units and maintain control over each unit.”

How to Respond to “Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule”

If someone uses the idiom “Divide and Conquer” or “Divide and Rule,” it may be helpful to take a step back and assess the situation to see if there are any underlying motivations or tactics at play. It may also be helpful to communicate with others involved in the situation to build unity and prevent divisions from forming.

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