Late Unpleasantness: Meaning in Hindi & English
The idiom “Late Unpleasantness” is an old-fashioned and somewhat vague term that refers to a past event that was unpleasant or controversial. The phrase often implies that the event was a source of embarrassment or shame, and that it is no longer discussed openly.
अंग्रेज़ी में “Late Unpleasantness” एक पुराने और कुछ अस्पष्ट शब्दावली है जो किसी ऐसी पूर्व घटना को दर्शाती है जो अप्रिय या विवादास्पद थी। यह शब्द अक्सर उस इवेंट के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है जिसे शर्मिंदगी या लज्जा का स्रोत माना जाता है, और उसे खुलेआम नहीं चर्चा किया जाता है।
What is “Late Unpleasantness”?
“Late Unpleasantness” is an idiomatic expression used to refer to a past event that was unpleasant or controversial, but is no longer a topic of discussion. The phrase is typically used in a nostalgic or regretful way, and may imply a sense of shame or embarrassment about the event.
Usage of “Late Unpleasantness”?
The phrase “Late Unpleasantness” is often used to refer to events from the distant past that are no longer relevant or discussed openly. It may be used to describe historical events, personal experiences, or even social or political controversies that have since been resolved or forgotten.
Examples of “Late Unpleasantness” in a sentence in English and Its meaning in Hindi:
- “We don’t talk about the late unpleasantness in our family, but everyone knows what happened.” (हम अपने परिवार में लेट अनप्लेज़नेस के बारे में बात नहीं करते, लेकिन हर कोई जानता है कि क्या हुआ था।)
- “The governor alluded to the late unpleasantness during his speech, but didn’t go into any details.” (राज्यपाल ने अपने भाषण में लेट अनप्लेज़नेस पर इशारा किया, लेकिन कोई विवरण नहीं दिया।)
- “The town’s history is marked by a number of late unpleasantnesses, including a controversial mayoral election and a devastating fire.” (शहर के इतिहास में कई लेट अनप्लेज़नेस के दौरे थे, जिनमें एक विवादास्पद मेयर चुनाव और एक भयानक आग शामिल थे।)
How to Use “Late Unpleasantness” in a Sentence?
If you want to use the phrase “Late Unpleasantness,” it’s important to keep in mind that it is an old-fashioned term that may not be familiar to everyone. It is best used in a nostalgic or regretful context, and should be reserved for events that are no longer relevant or discussed openly.
Translating “Late Unpleasantness” into Hindi
There is no direct translation for the idiomatic expression “Late Unpleasantness” in Hindi. However, a similar phrase that could be used could be “पुराने विवाद” (Purane vivad), meaning “old controversies.”
“Late Unpleasantness” के लिए हिंदी में कोई सीधा अनुवाद नहीं है। हालांकि, एक समान शब्दावली जो इस्तेमाल की जा सकती है वो “पुराने विवाद” (Purane vivad) हो सकती है, जिसका अर्थ होता है “पुराने विवाद”।