अंग्रेजी में “bounce off” का अर्थ होता है कि कोई वस्तु या व्यक्ति अपनी ऊर्जा या ताकत का उपयोग करके अन्य वस्तु या व्यक्ति से टकराकर वापस आ जाए। यह किसी दो वस्तुओं या व्यक्तियों के बीच एक प्रकार का संघर्ष या टक्कर होती है।
The term “bounce off” in English means that an object or person, by using its energy or force, collides with another object or person and then returns back. It implies some sort of conflict or collision between two entities.
What does “bounce off” mean?
The phrase “bounce off” means to rebound or ricochet off something after colliding with it. It can also refer to the act of exchanging ideas or opinions, sometimes in an argumentative or contentious manner.
Usage of “bounce off”
The phrase “bounce off” is often used in the context of physical objects colliding, such as a ball bouncing off a wall. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe the exchange of ideas or opinions in a conversation or discussion.
Examples of “bounce off” in a sentence in English and Its meaning in Hindi:
- “The basketball bounced off the backboard and went through the hoop.” (बास्केट बॉल बैकबोर्ड से टकराकर हूप में गया।)
- “I bounced a few ideas off him, but he didn’t seem interested.” (मैंने कुछ विचारों को उससे साझा किया, लेकिन उसे इंटरेस्ट नहीं था।)
- “The car bounced off the barrier and spun out of control.” (कार बैरियर से टकराकर असंयमित होकर घुम गई।)
How to Respond to “bounce off”?
If someone uses the phrase “bounce off” in reference to a collision between two physical objects, a possible response could be to acknowledge the collision or potential damage caused. If the phrase is being used in the context of a conversation or exchange of ideas, a response could be to provide a counter-argument or alternative perspective.
Translating “bounce off” into Hindi
The phrase “bounce off” can be translated to “टक्कर लगाना” (Takkara lagana) in Hindi which means collide.
“Bounce off” का हिंदी में अनुवाद “टक्कर लगाना” होता है जो कि किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति से टक्कर लगाने का मतलब होता है।