100 Insects Name in Hindi and English
Insects are the most diverse group of animals on earth, accounting for over 80% of all known species. They can be found in almost every habitat on the planet, from the depths of the ocean to the tops of the highest mountain ranges. They play a crucial role in many ecosystems, serving as pollinators, decomposers, and as a source of food for many other animals. Despite their small size, insects have proven to be incredibly adaptable and resilient, surviving and thriving in even the harshest of conditions.
100 Insects Name in Hindi and English
SN | Image | Name in English | Name in Hindi |
1 | Ant | चींटी | |
2 | Bee | मधुमक्खी | |
3 | Butterfly | तितली | |
4 | Cockroach | तिलचट्टा | |
5 | Grasshopper | टिड्डा | |
6 | Ladybug | महिला भृंग | |
7 | Mosquito | मच्छर | |
8 | Moth | टिड्डी | |
9 | Wasp | शंखपुष्पी | |
10 | Fly | मक्खी | |
11 | Praying Mantis | व्रत पाक्षी | |
12 | Termite | दीमक | |
13 | Dragonfly | ड्रैगनफ्लाई | |
14 | Beetle | भृंग | |
15 | Centipede | सैंटीपीड | |
16 | Cicada | टिड्डी | |
17 | Earwig | शीशमट्टी | |
18 | Firefly | जुगनू | |
19 | Flea | बिच्छू | |
20 | House Fly | मक्खी | |
21 | June Bug | जून का कीड़ा | |
22 | Lightning Bug | तीव्र प्रकाशमान गंधकी | |
23 | Louse | जूं | |
24 | Millipede | सौ सौ पैर वाला कीड़ा | |
25 | Mosquito Hawk | मच्छर का हॉक | |
26 | Hornet | भौंपू | |
27 | Cicada Killer | टिड्डी किलर | |
28 | Bumble Bee | बम्बल बी | |
29 | Honey Bee | मधुमक्खी | |
30 | Yellowjacket | पीली जैकेट | |
31 | Paper Wasp | कागजी टत्तू | |
32 | Spider Wasp | मकड़ी टत्तू | |
33 | Katydid | बैलगाड़ी | |
34 | Cicada nymph | टिड्डी नंदिनी | |
35 | Antlion | चींटी का शिकार | |
36 | Cicada Molting | टिड्डी मोल्टिंग | |
37 | Walkingstick | अंगूठे जैसा कीड़ा | |
38 | Stink Bug | बदबूदार बगुला | |
39 | Squash Bug | कद्दू का कीट | |
40 | Red-tailed Bumblebee | लाल पुछ्छ वाली बम्बल बी | |
41 | Mason Bee | मेसन बी | |
42 | Mining Bee | माइनिंग बी | |
43 | Solitary Bee | एकांती बी | |
44 | Carpenter Ant | बढ़ई चींटी | |
45 | Pavement Ant | फुटपाथ चींटी | |
46 | Fire Ant | आग की चींटी | |
47 | Harvester Ant | अन्न का चींटी | |
48 | Pharaoh Ant | फिरांग चींटी | |
49 | European Fire Ant | यूरोपीय आग की चींटी | |
50 | Argentine Ant | अर्जेंटीनी चींटी | |
51 | Dung Beetle | गोबर का बिगल | |
52 | Tiger Beetle | टाइगर बीटल | |
53 | Ground Beetle | भूमि का कीट | |
54 | Darkling Beetle | काले रंग का कीड़ा | |
55 | Carpet Beetle | कार्पेट का कीट | |
56 | Long-Horned Beetle | लॉन्ग-होर्न्ड बीटल | |
57 | Rhinoceros Beetle | गैंडा कट्टा | |
58 | Scarab Beetle | स्कैरब बीटल | |
59 | Click Beetle | क्लिक बीटल | |
60 | Stag Beetle | मृग बीटल | |
61 | Dermestid Beetle | डर्मेस्टिड बीटल | |
62 | Blister Beetle | दानेदार कीट | |
63 | Weevil | सुडौल कीट | |
64 | Snout Beetle | धोंप बोटी | |
65 | Checkered Beetle | सहि टट्टी | |
66 | Lace Bug | लेस बग | |
67 | Tarnished Plant Bug | ढला पौधा बग | |
68 | Assassin Bug | हत्यारा बग | |
69 | Wheel Bug | पहिये वाला बग | |
70 | Stink Bug Nymph | बदबूदार बगुला नंदिनी | |
71 | Leaf-footed Bug | पत्तों वाला बग | |
72 | Big-Eyed Bug | बड़ी आंख वाली बग | |
73 | Boxelder Bug | बॉक्सएल्डर बग | |
74 | Bed Bug | खटमल | |
75 | Booklice | बुकलाइस | |
76 | Lice | लिखों | |
77 | Ticks | टिक्स | |
78 | Mites | माइट्स | |
79 | Scorpions | बिच्छू | |
80 | Spiders | मकड़ी | |
81 | Harvestman | हार्वेस्टमैन | |
82 | Sowbug | एक प्रकार का कीट | |
83 | Pillbug | पिल बग | |
84 | Woodlice | लकड़ी का कीट | |
85 | Silkmoth | रेशमोथ | |
86 | Luna Moth | चंद्रमा की टिड्डी | |
87 | Polyphemus Moth | पॉलीफेमस मॉथ | |
88 | Sphinx Moth | स्फिंक्स मॉथ | |
89 | Cecropia Moth | सिस्रोपिया मॉथ | |
90 | Gypsy Moth | जिप्सी मॉथ | |
91 | Io Moth | आइओ मोथ | |
92 | Promethea Moth | प्रोमेथेया मॉथ | |
93 | Zebra Swallowtail | ज़ेबरा स्वैलोटेल | |
94 | Monarch Butterfly | सम्राट तितली | |
95 | Painted Lady Butterfly | चित्रित महिला तितली | |
96 | Swallowtail Butterfly | स्वालोटेल तितली | |
97 | Fritillary Butterfly | फ्रिटिलरी तितली | |
98 | Sulphur Butterfly | सल्फर तितली | |
99 | Skipper Butterfly | कप्तान तितली | |
100 | Hairstreak Butterfly | बालों की लकीर तितली |
Also Learn – 101 Animals Name in English and Hindi
In conclusion, insects are a vital part of the planet’s biodiversity and have been for millions of years. They are incredibly diverse and adaptable, and have proven to be a valuable resource for humans and other animals alike. While some may view insects as pests, they play an important role in many of the planet’s ecosystems and should be appreciated and respected for their amazing abilities. As we continue to learn more about these fascinating creatures, we can find new ways to coexist with them and ensure their survival for generations to com