Horoscope Names in English and Hindi

Horoscope is a form of astrology that uses the positions of celestial bodies to predict the future and provide insights into a person’s personality traits, tendencies, and characteristics. This ancient practice has been around for centuries and has continued to evolve with time. It’s a popular tool for people looking to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and those around them.

Horoscope Names in English and Hindi

12 Horoscope Names in English and Hindi

SN Image Name in English Name in Hindi
1 Aries Aries मेष
2 Taurus Taurus वृषभ
3 Gemini Gemini मिथुन
4 Cancer Cancer कर्क
5 Leo Leo सिंह
6 Virgo Virgo कन्या
7 Libra Libra तुला
8 Scorpio Scorpio वृश्चिक
9 Sagittarius Sagittarius धनु
10 Capricorn Capricorn मकर
11 Aquarius Aquarius कुंभ
12 Pisces Pisces मीन

Also Learn 7 Chakras Names in English and Hindi


Horoscope can be a fascinating and insightful tool for those looking to explore their personality traits and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships. While it’s important to approach horoscopes with an open mind and not rely solely on them for decision-making, they can provide valuable insights and guidance. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, it’s worth exploring the fascinating world of horoscope and discovering what it has to offer.

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