12 Months Name in English and Hindi
The year is divided into 12 months, each with its unique characteristics and significance. The origin of the modern calendar dates back to the Roman calendar, which consisted of ten months. The current calendar we use, known as the Gregorian calendar, was adopted by the Catholic Church in 1582 and is now widely used around the world. Each month has its significance and is associated with different events, holidays, and seasons. Understanding the significance of each month can help us better appreciate the world around us and the passing of time.
12 Months Name in English and Hindi
SN | Name in English | Name in Hindi | Hindu Calendar |
1 | January | जनवरी | पौष – माघ |
2 | February | फरवरी | माघ – फाल्गुन |
3 | March | मार्च | फाल्गुन – चैत्र |
4 | April | अप्रैल | चैत्र- वैशाख |
5 | May | मई | वैशाख- ज्येष्ठ |
6 | June | जून | ज्येष्ठ – आषाढ़ |
7 | July | जुलाई | आषाढ़- श्रावण |
8 | August | अगस्त | श्रावण – भाद्रपद |
9 | September | सितम्बर | भाद्रपद – आश्विन |
10 | October | अक्टूबर | आश्विन – कार्तिक |
11 | November | नवम्बर | कार्तिक – मार्गशीर्ष (अगहन) |
12 | December | दिसम्बर | मार्गशीर्ष – पौष |
Also Read: 7 Days of Week Name in English and Hindi
The 12 months of the year make up an essential part of our lives and help us mark the passing of time. Each month has its unique characteristics, from the length of the day to the weather and holidays. Understanding the significance of each month can help us appreciate the world around us and make the most of our time. So, whether you are enjoying the warm summer months or celebrating the festive season in winter, take a moment to appreciate the significance of the month and the passing of time.